Molecular identification of Diptera of forensic importance with the gene (COI Barcode), La Paz Bolivia

  • Emma Torres Tola Bioquímica, M. Sc., Investigador, Universidad Policial “Mcal. Antonio José de Sucre”
  • Pamela Castillo Vega Médico cirujano, M. Sc. Medicina Legal, Docente Investigador, Universidad Pública de El Alto.
  • Andree Bernal Calderón Oficial de Policía, M. Sc., Investigador, Universidad Policial “Mcal Antonio José de Sucre”.
Keywords: Bar code, molecular taxonomy, IOC and dipterans


One of the difficulties encountered is the correct identification of insects associated with cadaveric decomposition, which has led to the search and generation of new tools in molecular biology that facilitate the determination of specificities for the modification of the Post-Mortem Interval in an effective and accurate from immature stages; the collection and morphological taxonomy of Diptera were made in the first instance and then the Bar Code System (COI Barcode) was used for the molecular identification of problem insects by means of the mitochondrial COI gene in any phase of the biological cycle. Identifying three species of adults with a probability of 100% correspondence; the specimens: Sarconesia versicolor of the Calliphoridae Family and Fannia sp., were not found in the world databases of the GenBank and the Boldsystems, being necessary to update them by chronological succession patterns of cadaveric fauna in different geographical areas, whose practice would be applied in criminal investigations.



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How to Cite
Torres Tola, E., Castillo Vega, P., & Bernal Calderón, A. (2020). Molecular identification of Diptera of forensic importance with the gene (COI Barcode), La Paz Bolivia. Medicina Legal De Costa Rica, 37(2). Retrieved from //